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I hear you, I see you... I am you.

As moms we carry, birth, and raise our children -- and as exhilarating as it may be, it is exhausting. 
Over time, I have found the very thing that keeps me sane through the entire process is balance. It only makes sense to keep our body in balance, to nourish our WHOLE-self... mind, body, and soul. 

I learned to take a step back and focus on me every now and then.  I am a mom, yes, but I am also a woman, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and believer that I value myself enough to create healthy change.  It took some time, but I don't carry the guilt anymore and I don't view it to be selfish, in fact I believe it to be self-care.  If I don't feed my soul, how will I ever be able to give enough to my family and friends?

But how does one find balance in this hectic life we all live? 

Ask for help Momma!  It takes a village!  And I am here for you! If we surround ourselves with healthy influences and positive choices, it will create a lifestyle as opposed to restrictions.  

As your Wellness Coach I will work with you to improve your overall well-being.  I will support and empower you to take responsibility for your personal wellness goals, help build healthier relationships with food, and to help modify behavioral choices.  And most importantly, remind you every step of the way just how great you are... as a momma and as a woman.

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